Factor Detection by Latex Agglutination and Nephelometry
– A Comparative Study.
Presented at Indian Rheumatology Association Conference,
Madras. 1994
Published in Journal of Indian
Rheumatism Association. 1994 Vol : 2 (4):Sup 94 |
& Laboratory Indices of Rheumatoid Activity : Correlation
Presented at Indian Rheumatology Association Conference.
Mumbai. 1995
Published in Journal of Indian
Rheumatism Association. 1995 Vol : 3 (4): Sup 4 |
Typing in Rheumatoid Arthritis : An Analysis of 45 Hindu
Patients belonging to Maharashtra (West India).
Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Rheumatology,
Hyderabad, 1998
Published in Journal of Indian
Rheumatism Association. 1998 Vol : 6 (4): 68 |
of Inflammatory Arthritis in a Rural population : COPCORD
Bhigwan (India).
Published in Proceedings Book
of the 10th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology(APLAR)
Congress 2002, Bangkok |
Significance of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) : Data from
Published in Proceedings
of the 10th Asia Pacific League of Associations for
Rheumatology(APLAR) Congress 2002, Bangkok pg. 38
(AAb) Profile, with Special Reference to ENA, in Indian
(Asian) patients with Connective Tissue Disorders (CTD).
Published in Proceedings of
the 10th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology(APLAR)Congress
2002, Bangkok pg. 85. |

in symptomatic osteoarthritis knees (OA).
Presented at the conference
on CYTOKINES AND INFLAMMATION , January 27-28, 2005,
San Francisco, CA
Association of HLA-B27 in enthesitis related arthritis,
a subset of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
Presented at the conference
on Indian Society for Histocompatibilty and Immunogenetics,
February 2005, New Delhi.
Evaluation of markers of bone and cartilage
repair and degeneration in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid
Arthritis. Completed |
Diagnosis of Juvenile Inflammatory Arthritis
- The role of Laboratory Investigations, Completed |
Role of Cytokines in RA & OA with reference
to therapeutic response to Ayurvedic Medicines. A healthy
population control study. Completed |
A laboratory evaluation of cases with
Rheumatic Musculoskeletal problems in urban population.
Completed |
Defining Immunogenetic Markers in patients
with inflammatory arthritis in a rural population of Western
Maharashtra. Ongoing |
Significance of anti cyclic citrullinated
peptide.(CCP) (IgG) antibodies in cases of inflammatory
arthritis. Ongoing |
An Analysis of HLA B27 Profile In Ankylosing
Spondylitis. Ongoing. |
Chinkungunya infection with special reference
to persistent ?rheumatic musculoskeletal disorders? -
An ICMR ? Government of India Project. Ongoing |
Identification Of Genetic Risk Factors
In A Cohort Of Inflammatory Arthritis From An Urban Population
From A Three Year Follow-Up Study. A BJD ? India : NAN
Project. Ongoing |
of markers of bone and cartilage repair and degeneration
in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Completed
of Juvenile Inflammatory Arthritis - The role of Laboratory
Investigations, Completed |
of Cytokines in RA & OA with reference to therapeutic
response to Ayurvedic Medicines. A healthy population
control study. Completed |
laboratory evaluation of cases with Rheumatic Musculoskeletal
problems in urban population. Completed |
Immunogenetic Markers in patients with inflammatory arthritis
in a rural population of Western Maharashtra. Completed
of anti cyclic citrullinated peptide.(CCP) (IgG) antibodies
in cases of inflammatory arthritis. Ongoing |
Analysis of HLA B27 Profile In Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Ongoing. |
infection with special reference to persistent ?rheumatic
musculoskeletal disorders? - An ICMR ? Government of India
Project. Completed |
Identification Of Genetic Risk Factors In A Cohort Of
Inflammatory Arthritis From An Urban Population From A
Three Year Follow-Up Study. A BJD ? India : NAN Project.
Ongoing |