majority of the arthritis there is more than one
causative factor.
Degenerative arthritis (osteo-arthritis) is related
to age, body weight, and injury.
fever arthritis is preceded by infections with
specific types of bacteria in the throat and upper
respiratory tract. However, the bacteria themselves
do not cause rheumatic fever arthritis but excite
an abnormal immune response (usually concerned
with defence mechanism of body) in the joints
and sometimes in the heart and kidney as well.
bacteria can directly cause pyogenic arthritis.
Several types of infections (for example urinary,
diarrhoea, sexual diseases) can indirectly cause
post-infective forms of arthritis.
In rheumatoid arthritis which is marked by multiple
joint swellings and deformities the exact cause
is not known, but hereditary and infections play
an important role.
of the spondylitic conditions associated with
back pains are related to excess body weight,
poor postures and injuries. Ankylosing spondylitis
is an inflammatory disorder of the spine which
is often seen in multiple male members of a family,
and present with low back ache. Gout is caused
by excess deposition of uric acid in joints.
in many forms of arthritis the precise nature
of initial attack to the joints is not known the
subsequent sequence of events which produce damage
to the joints and also make it chronic and progressive
are now well known. And the latter has made the
new therapeutic strategies more effective. |