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Mission Arthritis India
Mission Arthritis India
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How do the various type of therapeutic ‘modalities’ compare in their treatment value?


           The present day allopathic modern system of medicine offers the maximum success in the treatment of various types of difficult-to-treat arthritis. There is no cure for many chronic forms of arthritis (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis).

           Many alternate systems of medicine like homeopathy, ayurveda, unani medicine do have their own means and methods of treating chronic arthritis and are easily available. Then there are methods like acupuncture, acupressure which possibly can be useful adjuncts in the overall management of chronic arthritis affecting numerous joints.

           Some different therapeutic modalities can be combined by qualified doctors. Unfortunately an Indian patient with chronic arthritis often switches from one system of medicine to another, too soon, to really achieve benefits and in the process the disease deteriorates rapidly. Once the joints are seriously deformed, hardly much can be done to correct them through medication, though medicine can still arrest the basic disease process.

           It is important to clearly understand the expectations and limitations of any system of medicine on the part of the doctors and patients. Patients should be aware of the tall claims made by unscrupulous doctors or quacks.

           However, it is being increasingly realized that an integrated approach comprising of allopathy and other system should be used to give maximum cure to any patient with chronic deforming arthritis.

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